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Mario Is a Plumber Once Again

Update, 3/5/18:

You can stop losing sleep over Mario’s job description; Nintendo has returned Mario to his original career. They updated his profile last fall to remove the plumber designation, but now, it’s back. Via Polygon, Redditor TheCrystalCave spotted the recent change to Mario’s profile stating his “occupation is plumber.” He is a role model for those pursuing a plumber career once again–or is he? When do we see him plying his trade?


The world’s most iconic plumber is making a career change. If you’re a Nintendo fan young or old, you’re no doubt familiar with Super Mario’s day job, which he finds time for between world-saving quests, as a plumber, which we see hints of in his game’s many drainpipes and sewer levels. But it appears Mario’s tenure as a plumber has come to an end, according to an updated character description on the Nintendo Japanese website.


Nintendo Everything has the new Mario character translation, which refers to his time as a plumber in the past tense. “All around sporty, whether it’s tennis or baseball, soccer or car racing, he [Mario] does everything cool. As a matter of fact, he also seems to have worked as a plumber a long time ago…”

Has our favorite overall-wearing hero upgraded from lowly plumber to a five-star athlete without warning us first? It sure sounds that way. I can’t say I really blame him, either. The pay for an athlete has to be way better than it is for a plumber. Plus there’s a better chance for a hefty endorsement contract or a commercial gig.

For those who aren’t aware, Mario’s creator Shigeru Miyamoto originally intended for him to be a carpenter. Mario’s plumbing gig began in 1983 with the launch of Mario Bros. and the introduction of his brother, Luigi. The rest, as they say, is history. There is no word on if Luigi is making a career change also, or sticking with the family business.


What do you think about Mario no longer being a plumber? And if Mario really is an athlete now, which sport should he stick with? Let your voice be heard in the comments!

Featured Image: Nintendo America

Tim Adams is a freelance writer who loves comics and the TV and movies that feature them. Follow him on Twitter!

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