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MAN AT ARMS: REFORGED Crafts FALLOUT Weapons From Scratch

The ferociously fantastic farrier folks at Man At Arms: Reforged–who use their skills to create one-of-a-kind recreations of weapons from movies, TV, and video games–have certainly outdone themselves this time around by crafting weapons from the Fallout video game series. Adding to that already daunting task, they did so using only tools and techniques from the 19th century. In a recent video posted to the AWE me YouTube channel, we’re treated to a real-life weapons crafting session that goes to show (after you see what really goes into custom weapons) that every game where you can craft your own makes this work-intensive process look far too easy. Not that we’d want to sit through the hours of work involved every time we apply “sharp things A” to “blunt object B” in a game, but we certainly appreciate the process more than ever now.

The weapons chosen for the build were The Revolutionary Sword, Kremvh’s Tooth, and two modified baseball bats including a wooden one turned on a lathe. After all is said and done, it’s hard to pick which weapon is the winner because each doles out a fair amount of damage at the end of the video. The one thing we will say is that we call shenanigans on any game that gives us crappy durability on a crafted weapon, because that bladed aluminum baseball bat seems like it’d have a few thousand hits in it before it ever started to wear out.

What do you think of the Fallout build? What weapons would you love to see crafted? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: AWE me

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