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Making an ‘Emotional Horror Story’ with the Cast and Creator of NERDIST PRESENTS: THE HIVE

As August winds down and we start counting the days before all the bounty that autumn brings (pumpkin-everything, Halloween, blustery days), we can’t help but be excited that soon, you’ll be able to see our very first horror film, Nerdist Presents: The Hive .

For those of you that are (somehow) still in the dark, Nerdist Presents: The Hive is a cross-genre thriller starring Gabriel Basso (Super 8), Kathryn Prescott (Finding Carter, Skins), Jacob Zachar (Greek), Gabrielle Walsh (Vampire Diaries, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones), and Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy) that combines brutally gory scares, a wicked sense of humor, and a pulsing soundtrack featuring Steve Aoki. Directed by Dave “Yarvo” Yarovesky and produced by Steve Aoki and Cary Granat, The Hive is a film that James Gunn himself called “the most horrifying and disgusting love story ever.”


Last month, we welcomed our Nerdist Presents: The Hive family to the Nerdist Conival stage at San Diego Comic-Con. Clarke Wolfe, our resident horror expert, chatted with Hive director Dave Yarovesky, cast members Gabriel Basso, Jacob Zachar, Gabrielle Walsh, and Steve Agee about the epic journey from The Hive‘s premiere at Fantastic Fest to its upcoming one-night Fathom premiere. They also discussed the film’s story — a young couple falls in love for the first time at summer camp, only to be overtaken by a mysterious plague — and how important writing and character development is in a film, horror or otherwise.

At the time of these interviews, we couldn’t go into too much detail about the impressive and complex makeup in the film, but now that the trailer is out, you can see some of the effects (and goo!) that went into creating the look of the infected. Check it out:

Nerdist Presents: The Hive premieres at a one-night Fathom Event on September 14, 2015. Buy tickets and find a theater at a location near you right here, and let us know in the comments below if you think anyone can survive…. the hive!

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