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MAD MAX Meets Neko Atsume

When you first watched the fast-paced, hard driving Mad Max: Fury Road, did you think to yourself, this movie is fantastic but what it really needs is more cats! You are not alone, the mashup you’ve been dreaming about is here, Mad Max meets Neko Atsume. I live, I die, I live again, nine more times.

Geniusly titled Mad Max: Furry Road, this piece of art by Terrible Nerd on tumblr imagines a real life Valhalla for road warrior kitty collectors. Fans of the cat collecting game will get a kick out of seeing Mad Max characters transformed into furry felines. Everyone’s in this piece from war boys to wives, with Max and a cuddled up Nux nestled into the back of the War Rig. Right in the middle of it all, a focused one-armed kitty Furiosa (Furry-osa!) leading the charge.

Mad Max Neko Atsume-02252016

The most adorable parts are the weirdest; seeing the Doof Warrior and his guitar makes you wish a Doof Wagon was an actual purchasable item in Neko Atsume. Imagine saving up all your gold fish to hear the sweet beats of his fire-guitar in the yard. Better than a paper bag, any day.

Lording over all, high up in the canyon, is the feline Immortan Joe, portrayed by none other than Tubbs himself. The smug glutton thinks he’s untouchable but kitty Furiosa will have her Ritzy Bitz and redemption too.

My one disappointment in this artist’s rendition is the lack of shiny and chrome spray paint, but that probably has to be gifted. Sigh. Until this mashup is a game reality, we’ll just have to imagine what life is like along the Furry Road. Witness meow!

Would you play Mad Max: Neko Atsume? You know I would. Let us know in the comments!

IMAGE: Terrible Nerd

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