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MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Could Get Black and White Release in 2016

Though we may champion genre films left and right, it’s a sad truth that they often don’t get the recognition and accolades they deserve. Luckily for all you Furiosa fans out there, it appears that George Miller’s exhilarating Mad Max: Fury Road is an exception to the rule. The game-changing, fiercely feminist, downright delightful sequel to the Mad Max series has snapped up awards from several film critics associations, scored nominations for the SAG Awards and the Golden Globes, is on everyone’s Best-of-2015 lists, and is hopefully well on its way to an Oscar nod.

And when Fury Road first hit theaters, it not only spawned a million mashups, fan art collections, video essays, op-eds, and parodies; we also learned that director George Miller originally wanted to release it as a silent, black and white film. There were rumors that a black and white version would be included with the Blu-Ray, but that release has come and gone with no special edition. However! All is not lost. In a profile with Screen Daily, Miller confirmed his initial plans for a black and white Fury Road, and producer Doug Mitchell even hinted that a B&W version could hit theaters next year.

For a while there was a fan-edit of a silent, B&W Mad Max: Fury Road floating around on the internet, and while we will definitely rush out to see this version should it hit theaters (more Mad Max is always fine by us), we do think that the richly saturated colors of Furiosa and Max’s journey are an integral part of the film. The look and feel of the movie are so distinct–would a black and white version hit the same notes? You can’t fault Warner Bros for this idea if it’s true, though. Fury Road is a film that consistently gained traction and attention throughout the year, so a re-release of any sort makes a ton of sense.

But what do YOU think about a black and white version of Mad Max: Fury Road? Would you rush back to the theater or sit this one out? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Screen Daily via The Playlist

Rachel Heine is the Editor in Chief of the Nerdist and thinks Furiosa is the bees knees. Witness her ramblings on Twitter @RachelHeine.



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