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MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Cosplayer Transforms Wheelchair into War Rig

Mad Max: Fury Road continues to be a huge well of inspiration for creative minds everywhere, and this one is easily one of the most creative yet: a wheelchair outfitted to be a Max Rockatansky-imprisoning war rig.

Ben Carpenter, a 20-year-old engineering student who was born with spinal muscular atrophy, took his standing wheelchair and made it a war rig worthy of driving straight into the gates of Valhalla. To complete the effect, his friend Amy Brumfield plays the role of his War Boy. The two met in June at the Tampa Metrocon where they say they were the only two Fury Road cosplayers.

The wheelchair can actually be transformed into two different war rigs. One is the “Blood-bag mobile” that used Max as an unwilling transfusion, and the second iteration is a chariot.

Carpenter posted on Reddit about his genuinely awesome creation. “Thank you all so much for all the support and comments! I am utterly speechless at how this cosplay has been spread, and honestly, all I can say is thank you for making this SO SHINY AND CHROME!” he wrote.

As if you thought this couldn’t get better, he says he plans on eventually adding our favorite double-necked guitar playing Doof Warrior to complete the effect. Um, yes please.

What other elements would you like to witness (!) Ben add to this incredible cosplay? Give us your best ideas in the comments section below while we continue to marvel at the monumental impact Mad Max: Fury Road continues to have.


IMAGES: Instagram

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