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MACBETH Serves Up Gorgeous Poster Art

Every time a new bit of material is released that involves Macbeth, I get a few butterflies in my stomach. There hasn’t been a sumptuously gorgeous Shakespearean adaptation for a while, and the Michael Fassbender/Marion Cotillard starring vehicle has done nothing but tease such a production since the moment stills and trailers hit the web. The latest poster reveals continue the promise with two juxtaposed images you can examine here:

Macbeth Poster_09062015

The images are nearly identical except for the overwhelming main color of each. The one above, fairly classic epic film composition with a red haze of battle lighting the middle. The one below, awash with a deep red background alluding to the violence at the center of the cursed play.

macbeth Poster-09062015

If you’re unfamiliar with Macbeth, you need really only know that a prophesy leads to uncontrollable ambition and regicide before leading the perpetrators down a path towards civil war and insanity. Okay that’s the 140 characters or less version and leaves a lot out. You should probably give the play a read. It’s really good.

The 2015 Macbeth is being produced by the Academy Award-winning Iain Canning of The King’s Speech, and the screenplay was written by Todd Louiso, Jacob Koskoff, and Michael Lesslie. Michael Fassbender stars in the title roll opposite Cotillard’s Lady Macbeth. The film’s first trailer was released last week to great excitement. I don’t think it’s out of line to say this is one of the most anticipated films of the fall. It will be in theaters in the UK on October 2nd, and in the US on December 4th.

Images via Imgur

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