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Long Live the Count

Jerry Nelson passed away last Thursday. You may not know the name, but you know his characters. Nelson was the puppeteer and voice of Count von Count, and that’s plenty notoriety for one career, but he also did Gobo Fraggle on Fraggle Rock, Electric Mayhem bassist Sgt. Floyd Pepper, Dr. Julius Strangepork of Pigs in Space, Lew Zealand, and many more.

Lisa Henson, the CEO of The Jim Henson Company, posted this statement on the company’s Facebook page today: “Jerry Nelson imbued all his characters with the same gentle, sweet whimsy and kindness that were a part of his own personality. He joined The Jim Henson Company in the earliest years, and his unique contributions to the worlds of Fraggles, Muppets, Sesame Street and so many others are, and will continue to be, unforgettable. On behalf of the Henson family and everyone at The Jim Henson Company, our deepest sympathies go out to Jerry’s family and to his many fans.”

The Henson Company has a YouTube playlist celebrating Jerry’s life and career with clips from Fraggle Rock, Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas, and other shows. Here it is:

Honor his memory. Count something today.



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  1. genepete says:

    Yeah. What he said.

  2. john says:

    I feel alittle sadder an alittle older when I hear news like this, losing parts of one’s childhood is always hard but most of all when it is something or someone that has affected your life it is hard. Mr. Nelson an the characters he brought to life had a huge impact on my life growing up by teaching me things an making me laugh. I have the deepest respect for him an send my sympathies to his family and friends , but know this he will live on because even now he is teaching my niece an nephew the same way he taught me and will teach my children. So thank you Mr. Nelson for all the years of joy you have brought and will continue to bring and please rest in peace know you did so much good in this world.

  3. mokoshne says:

    damn i didnt count on being sad today. 🙁