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Lion King Cast Blinking Steps Into The Subway & Sings for NYC

Whether you spent your childhood holding your kitten, puppy or baby sister over your head and singing about the Circle of Life to the empty living room or not, there’s a pretty good chance that you have heard the anthem of Disney’s animated The Lion King more times than you can count. If you’re really lucky, you have had the chance to see the Broadway musical either in New York City or on tour.

And if you’re incredibly lucky and were on the New York City “A” train on June 28th, you might have been treated to this incredible a cappella version of the show opener as performed by the Broadway cast between their matinee and evening performance.

New Yorkers may be a jaded bunch – and trust me, this writer has been known to scoff at really talented subway performers because they are everywhere and sometimes you just want to read your book – but if you look closely, it’s pretty impossible to miss the smiles and outright grins on the faces of these subway passengers (and the many cameras that appear) as 30 members of the cast serenaded them. We’re particularly entertained by the nonchalance with which these talented performers carry out a challenging and vocally-intense number like “Circle of Life.” We’ll be taking the subway more and more in hopes of another impromptu performance.

Catch it here and be careful with the cat when you feel the need to reenact the song in your living room tonight.

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  1. I’ve actually heard that the casts of lion king doing a lot of flash mobs. Even the touring cast once did one in downtown la

  2. Jesper says:

    Ok, This was fun and all. But damn that started out loud. Nearly broke my eardrums. Warn us next time…

  3. David says:

    Look at these people, these human beings. Consider their potential! From the day they arrive on the planet, blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than – no, hold on. Sorry, that’s The Lion King…