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Lin-Manuel Miranda’s SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Monologue Was a Fanboy Dream Come True

Let’s face it. The monologue is what you usually dread most from Saturday Night Live. All too often, it’s a sitcom star trying to prove they can sing, or a movie star attempting self-effacement by trading on the biggest and most obvious jokes out there.

But with Lin-Manuel Miranda, the obvious joke is a Hamilton one, if you can pull it off. And that is no easy task–if hip-hop infused musical numbers inspired by presidential politics were a cakewalk, someone else would have earned bucketloads of money from it by now. Thankfully, the star of stage was up to the challenge, and nerded out with a number on the omnipresent topic of fearing he’d not be up to the demands of hosting. Yes, there is one current political shot, but regardless of whether one agrees or not, Miranda’s dexterity with lyrics–and instinct for self-preservation when profanity rears up as a possibility–saved the day.

Miranda’s lyrical and musical skills would go on to save some other skits throughout the night, but the show-opening monologue was one of the best ever, and served clear notice to anyone who can’t afford Broadway tickets that this is a talent worth paying attention to. His work was also proof that even when current events seem to be doing the job of satire for you, nothing beats a host with the mostest.

What did you think of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical opening? Was it overly indulgent, or did it indeed save the show? Live! In comments below! It’s youuuuuu’re…chance to talk back!

Image: NBC

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