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Limited Edition PlayStation 4 Auctioned For Over $128,000

Remember that limited edition 20th anniversary PlayStation 4 that was unveiled back in December? If you’re memory’s a bit fuzzy, surely you recall my reaction upon seeing one of these babies show up at our doorstep here at Nerdist HQ. It was something along the lines of this:


Outside of the sheer beauty of this thing, I was mainly excited for one good reason: there were only 12,300 of these things manufactured into existence. Recently, number 1 of this exclusive batch of special PS4 consoles was just auctioned off on Yahoo! for a good cause. The ending tally: a little over a whopping $128,000! Holy Antonio Banderas!

“We appreciate all who participated in the auction and are surprised at the highest bid price, which was higher than our expectations,” stated a rep for Sony.

The auction was orchestrated by Sony Computer Entertainment, with all of the proceeds going to charity. An additional donation will be ponied up by Sony, who will match the auction amount and bring the total a little over a quarter million bucks. Bravo, Sony! Way to bounce back from a month of getting scrutinized all over the web– though we should be aware of the fact that SCE and Sony Corp. primarily operate as separate units.

True love! I shall unbox you

A photo posted by Malik Forté (@malik4play) on

As of right now, the limited edition PS4 units are still difficult-to-impossible to find, but if you seriously want to see one in all of its glory, you can live vicariously through Jessica Chobot and I as we unbox number 8,405 of 12,300.

Would you pay over $100,000 for one of these if you had the money? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

[HT: Wall Street Journal]

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