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Leveret Has a Weird Night Out in Their Music Video For “Unclothing” (Premiere)

For many, a successful night out at the bar might conclude at the apartment of a new boy/lady pal, perhaps for an evening of some intimate, non-PG activities. Portland, Maine electronic/rock band Leveret, however, has a different idea of what it means to disrobe in their new music video for “Unclothing,” which is premiering exclusively on Nerdist, above.

“The concept was to have a song/video that did sexy in a different kind of way; a fun, consensual kind of sexy,” frontman Jesse Gertz told us. “At the same time, we wanted to add a little splash of the weird and unexpected possibilities life has to offer. Fun, sexy, and strange: those were our goals.”

To avoid giving away too much about the video, we’ll just say that the band hit all the marks they were aiming for. The video was made with Southern Maine-based film company Through the Door Productions, and it’s an entertaining visual complement to the synthy, atmospheric indie rock song, which comes off as an anthem for every nerdy ’80s movie protagonist who finally overcame his social anxiety to get the girl.

The song comes from the band’s 2015 album Action At A Distance, which sees Leveret trying everything from experimental electronica to garage-y rock jams, and succeeding more often than not. Nothing else on the album really sounds like “Unclothing,” which isn’t to say they couldn’t live to up the song’s standards on the rest of the record, but that each track has its own aesthetic. Leveret is also in the studio working on a follow-up project, which they plan to release in the spring or summer.


IMAGE: Leveret

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