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Let’s Relive GAME OF THRONES’ Premiere with These Deadly Cool Photos

Hello you, intrepid Internet person! If you haven’t read our recap of the season five premiere episode of Game of Thrones, you should know that this post is absolutely spoilerrific! So feel free to watch the episode or click to read our recap — here! — and get up to speed!

We all felt it last night, right? The tingle down one’s spine as the theme music for everyone’s favorite, currently on-air, epic fantasy series began to swell? Dun-dun duh-nah-nuh-nun! And oh what an electric shock it was to be propelled back — way back — into Westeros. With flashbacks, major (and unanticipated) character deaths, and even an angry dragon or two, there was plenty to take in and absorb. And now, thanks to those kind souls over at HBO that feed our sweet, sweet Ice and Fire addiction, we’ve got a bevy of super sweet, high quality photos to stare at/make our laptop backgrounds/photoshop into the greatest photo fan fiction the Known Realm has ever seen. Or, y’know, whatever it is you do with photos. I don’t know — I don’t live your life!

As you can tell from the images below, the ladies of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire are starting to come out to the forefront of all the action — Cersei’s struggling to avoid what seems to be an inevitable fate, Dany trying to rule a Free City that’s not so ready to bend the knee, and Melissandre using the Lord of Light to burn that mothafrackin’ Mance Raydar to the ground. It’s pretty exciting stuff, isn’t it?

What was your favorite part of last night’s episode? Let us know in the comments!


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