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LEGO Plane Crashes Through a LEGO City in Super Slow Mo

Horrible news out of The Slow Mo Guys backyard this evening, as an engine of a LEGO cargo plane burst into flames, bringing the airliner down in to the heart of Slowmopolis City. The plastic destruction was massive, and all of it was caught by a high-speed camera.

As a loyal Nerdist reader you know how much we love LEGOs, and you also know how much we love watching things in super slow-motion (especially things getting destroyed), so this latest from Dan and Gavin feels like something we conjured up from sheer force of will for our amusement. The pair threw a LEGO plane through a bustling LEGO city to let us watch it happen on their high-speed camera (though it required two attempts after the first one just featured a plane taking a nose dive into the edge of a table, which was funnier but way less satisfying).


And because watching fire and explosions in slow-mo is even better, they then showed the horrible results when the rescue crew forgot about all of that LEGO jet fuel, leading to even more plastic catastrophe.

As they pointed out, this was a particularly silly video, even for them (which is really saying something), but we strongly encourage the slow-mo destruction of any and all LEGO pieces if it means a few mindless minutes of entertainment for us.

What other LEGO builds should Dan and Gavin destroy next? Don’t be slow, get into our comments section and tell us your best ideas.

Images: The Slow Mo Guys/YouTube

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