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Learn an Easy, Primitive Way to Catch Fish and Shrimp

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. But fishing is, like, a whole thing. You have to get up at ungodly hours, worms are involved, and there is so much sitting around doing nothing… in silence. So forget fishing. We’re out on fishing. Fortunately there’s a simpler way to combine both our love of seafood and our desire to not have to do too much work, and it entails using an old method to catch some delicious shrimp.

We first came across this video at Sploid, and it comes from the great YouTube channel Primitive Technology, where our very quiet host showed off how to craft a shrimp- and fish-catching basket using “lawyer cane, sticks, and vine.” The way it works is that curious (and tasty) sea creatures find their way into the basket through the funnel-shaped entrance, which they then can’t get out of. You don’t even need bait, you just place the basket in the water and wait.


He managed to snag his first shrimp within 10 minutes here, which, as anyone that has ever spent hours waiting for that first bite on their fishing line can tell you, is glorious.

So forget teaching someone how to fish, and forget everything you learned about shrimping from Forrest Gump. Mother nature and our ancestors already came up with an effective, easy way to feed us for a lifetime. And we don’t have to get up before dawn to do it.

Have you ever tried building one of these baskets? Are you willing to give it a shot now? We’re hoping to snag your thoughts in our comments below.

Images: Primitive Technology/YouTube

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