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South Park‘s newest RPG video game, The Fractured But Whole, seems set to crack us up and make us play our asses off. But in their brilliantly on-point trailer that spoofed superhero franchising, Cartman, er, COON and the gang neglected to mention a key point: always get the action figures out first. And thanks to Kidrobot, makers of previous South Park vinyl figures, we now have two in seven-inch scale. From the side of heroic good comes the unkillable Mysterion, formerly known as Kenny and perennial victim of bastards. On the other side is the chaotic evil of Professor Chaos, a.k.a. Leopold “Butters” Stotch, formulator of devious plans that The Simpsons already did.

Coon, of course, in the usual way that ironies tend to happen, has been omitted from this first series of Coon and Friends-themed toys. However, you can still buy an in-scale figure of Cartman’s other, arguably more heroic alter ego: A.W.E.S.O.M.E.-O. Hmmm, maybe that’s your studio cross-over installment right there…

Kidrobot’s figures are so good the company need do little but plug. If you want them, you need do little but head (to their page). And if you’re hungry right now, grab a snack and do nothing but munch. If you spill any, grab a cloth and do nothing else but wipe. Yeah, we like the title of the game a bit too much.

Who would you like to see next? Mintberry Crunch is a must, and while an in-scale Cthulhu would be insane, a larger one that cheats his size would still make us bow to Kidrobot’s authoritah. Tell us who you’d get in comments below, and check out the full image gallery.

Images: Kidrobot


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