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“Kick-Ass 2” Red Band Trailer: Total Insanity (NSFW)


The Kick-Ass 2 Red Band trailer is here and holy smokes, does it pack a punch. Clocking in at 2:38, this NSFW trailer offers an in-depth look at the kind of over-the-top superhero insanity that we can expect from Hit-Girl (Chloe Grace Moretz) and Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) as they continue to deliver masked justice, one punch at a time. The sequel to 2010’s Kick-Ass, which itself is based on the Mark Millar comic, picks up shortly after the events of the original film. A proliferation of masked vigilantes have joined the fight against evil, including a nearly unrecognizable Jim Carrey as Colonel Stars and Stripes, Mark Millar’s answer to The Comedian. Christopher Mintz-Plasse, who donned the mantle of the nefarious Red Mist in the original film, returns in the even more villainous role of…The Motherfucker. Say what you will, but it gets the point across.

Kick-Ass 2 hits theaters on August 16th. What do you think of this early look at the film? Quemment below and let us know.



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  1. Manuel says:

    The word motherfucker just doesn’t sound right coming out of Mintz-Plasse’s mouth otherwise looks pretty good. #noSamuelJackson

  2. Mishmash says:

    This looks good, I’m excited. I had no idea that was Jim Carrey. I like that he seems to play a significant character without taking the center of attention.

  3. Jeff says:

    “Quemment” is a terrible neologism. My wife throws a pillow at the TV every time Hardwick barfs it on Talking Dead. KILL THE QUEMMENT.

  4. Jonathan Brooks says:

    Looks fun. Jim Carrey seems to add to the concept, without overwhelming the other actors. Loved the first film, and expect to enjoy the second.

  5. I’m enjoying this stage of Jim Carrey’s career in which he plays lunatic supporting characters. The most recent examples being this and the upcoming Burt Wonderstone.

  6. Jacka says:

    Hrm. I dunno. It kinda looks like it’s lost a lot of the edge that the previous film had. Could well still be an fun film, but I’m predicting a distant second to the first Kickass based on that teaser. Will be happy if I can be proven wrong on that one though.

  7. Mike says:

    Can’t wait to see this movie also it has the same feeling as the last movie Which I really liked and enjoyed the grittiness of it and the Humor

  8. Joey says:

    Cannot wait til August! So excited that they made the sequel as it seemed like it might not happen. Trailer looks amazing. As for Carrey – I’m not worried. Big stars usually do their best work in small parts.

  9. fred says:


  10. Rob Oliver says:

    Enjoyed the trailer immensely, hope there is more to the overall film which I am sure there will be, so we are not left with another trailer thats’s better then the flick. @RJ_RedneckJedi I too panicked when i read ‘Jim Carrey’, however, not when i saw him. Very different. Mixed emotions about direction/camera work – not even near the comic. Walking dead have nailed that tho. That all written, I’ll be watching.

  11. So glad that they made Hit Girl older to accommodate for Chloe Mortez’s age. So far this trailer looks just like a Mark Millar comic, the car scene reminds me of his comic Nemisis.

  12. Vickroy says:

    Looks fun as hell! I’m in!

  13. ian says:

    i think it looks awesome i likeed the first movie and im sure i will like this one too