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Kevin Smith Hints at Possible DC TV/Film Multiverse

The DC Expanded Universe is just now getting underway, with the release this year of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice followed by Suicide Squad. Although fans are excited, one thing they’ve been complaining about since word got out of a cinematic DC Universe is that, unlike Marvel Studios, the movie side and television sides of the DC Universe wouldn’t be the same.

Because of this, we’ve got Grant Gustin as the Flash every week on his own show, but Ezra Miller will be playing a totally different version of Barry Allen in the upcoming Flash solo film and in Justice League. This is the complete opposite of the Marvel Studios approach, where all their characters, be they on Netflix, ABC, or up on movie screens, co-exist on the same Earth.

But, could there be something even cooler in store? Recently writer/director/all-around-fanboy Kevin Smith co-hosted the Dawn of the Justice League special on the CW with DC’s Geoff Johns, which previewed all the DC Comics movies that are on their way in the next few years. One section that was cut out from the special however, was talk of the potential for crossovers between the television universe and the movie universe introduced in Man of Steel. On Smith’s Fatman on Batman podcast, he talked about the cut segment, and how it hinted towards a much larger multiverse, saying the following:

“We did a piece where we talked about — I don’t know how much I’m supposed to say because they cut it out. But the idea of, ‘Hey man, DC is known for nothing if not a multiverse,’ so at which point I was like [to Geoff Johns], ‘Could they [****]ing crossover?’ And he was like, ‘Ahh…’ So doors are being left open and stuff like that.”

This season of The Flash has already introduced the concept of Earth-2, and if rumors are to be believed, if Flash and Supergirl do indeed crossover, that would introduce the concept of yet another Earth in the DC cinematic multiverse. So why couldn’t the Earth that Ezra Miller’s Flash is on be introduced first on the television side of things? It would certainly blow fans’ minds, and make the DC Expanded Universe seem truly larger than anything we’ve seen before on screen in terms of shared universes.

You can watch Kevin Smith talk about the cut segment of the DC special in the video below.

What do you think of the prospect of a live-action DC Multiverse? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Fatman on Batman via Comic Book
IMAGE: Warner Brothers/The CW

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