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Kate Leth and Brittney Williams Plan a New HELLCAT Series for Marvel

Patsy Walker is making a big comeback in the Marvel Universe as part of the All-New, All-Different relaunch. Marvel has announced that Kate Leth and artist Brittney Williams will be the creative team on Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat!, a new ongoing series that revisits one of Marvel’s romance heroines.

“Kate and Brittney are cooking up a series here that’s like a superhero version of Trainwreck or Broad City — a comedic and action-packed story about a woman figuring out her life,” said Marvel editor Wil Moss. “Except Abbi and Ilana have never had to deal with crime waves, a supervillain temp agency, or an ex who is literally the son of Satan.”

Hellcat 1

Moss isn’t joking about the Son of Satan. It’s a long story, but Walker was married to Daimon Hellstrom a.k.a. Son of Satan until she went insane and killed herself. But because superhero comics can get away with resurrections, Walker eventually came back to life and broke things off with Hellstrom.

Patsy Walker has a very unique history that predates Marvel as we know it. Ruth Atkinson created Walker in 1944 and she went on to star in two ongoing romance comics from Timely Comics, the company that was later rebranded as Marvel. In 1976. Steve Englehart re-envisioned Walker as the superheroine Hellcat in the pages of The Avengers, and she went on to join that team as well as The Defenders and The Lady Liberators.

This isn’t the first time that Marvel has used Patsy Walker in an attempt to capture the spirit of a contemporary movie or TV show. Hellcat was a featured character in Marvel Divas, a 2009 miniseries that Marvel basically tried to sell as Sex in the City meets superheroines.


So why is Marvel giving  Hellcat such a big push ? Quite possibly because Patsy Walker is about to make her live-action debut on Marvel’s Jessica Jones on Netflix later this year. On that series, Rachael Taylor will be playing Patricia “Trish” Walker.

Marvel will launch Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat! # 1 this December.

Comic fans, are you up for a new Hellcat comic? Let us know in the comment section below!

HT: Yahoo

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