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Kara Meets a Stranger in SUPERGIRL: BEING SUPER #4 (Exclusive Preview)

We’ve had an influx of Supergirl-related content over the last couple of years, and it’s, well, pretty darn super. From the television series currently airing on the CW to the character popping up in various comic incarnations, the world has welcomed Kara Zor-El back in. While each of the narratives out there right now are different from one another, they still have a lot of the same touchstones that always occur in every Supergirl story. Supergirl: Being Super, a new miniseries by YA author Mariko Tamaki and artist Joelle Jones, brings the character to life as a 16-year-old girl trying to simply deal with her new life on Earth–though it doesn’t come without its various complications for the fledgling superhero.

In the miniseries’ latest issue, #4, which goes on sale Wednesday 6/28, Kara has just encountered an individual named Tan-On who claims to be from Krypton, but if we’re being honest, is acting a little shady about the whole thing. The official summary from DC Comics reads:

Having her life torn to shreds and burned to ash has forced Supergirl to choose between the world she was born on and the world that adopted her. Can Kara Danvers find a way to be super—or will she crash and burn?

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You can check out the first nine pages of issue #4 in the gallery below – it looks like even though Kara may not be nervous about meeting this stranger, everything that’s starting to shake out for her at high school with her concerned friend Dolly is making us nervous on her behalf!

Don’t forget to pick up Supergirl: Being Super #4 when it goes on sale Wednesday, 6/28. How are you enjoying this new Supergirl miniseries? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter!

Images: DC Comics.


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