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Just What We Needed: A DUCKTALES Slow Jam

Spring is in the air and it’s time for love. It’s time for romance. It’s time for a slow jam take on one of our favorite ’80s cartoons.

That would be the DuckTales theme, a cover from Scott Bradlee’s Saturday Morning Slow Jams, which is exactly what it sounds like. Bradlee is the one on keys, with POW!GRL supplying vocals, Chip Thomas on drums, Adam Kubota on bass, and Steve (“Probably No Relation to Keith”) Sweat on EWI.

Yeah, just let it wash over you.

I’m not going to say this is the best cover of composer Mark Mueller’s classic theme – that distinction belongs to the arrangement on the classic NES game. But it’s up there.

HT: Slate

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  1. Bryce Katz says:

    Be sure to check out Scott’s other (astonishingly amazing, soon-to-be-on-tour) project, Postmodern Jukebox.

  2. Anna says:

    Where I can I meet this Scott fellow, and will he play the Doogie Howser theme for me?

  3. jesse says:

    That is actually quite nice, I used to hate that song.

  4. Aedalia says:

    So much yes.