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Joss Whedon Talks DOCTOR HORRIBLE Sequel

OK OK so it’s still in it’s infancy, but this week at New York Comic Con fans were teased with a bit of info for the proposed sequel to the delightful Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. And naturally, we are losing our gourds over the news.

The moderator at the Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog reunion panel tried to steer Whedon into talking a bit about it, but he masterfully deflected. Luckily for us, however, Vulture got a few moments with Whedon and stars Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion to go more in-depth on the matter.

Whedon is keeping things pretty close to the vest—peppering in enough jokes about it to keep us all guessing—but we do know a few things. The sequel, whenever it happens, will expand upon the universe we already know and lucky for us, the actors are all pretty much on board to reprise their roles. As for the plot? “He’s just going to fight Ultron!” joked Whendon. “I’m just going to do that until I get it right!”

For the uninitiated, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog was a series of musical shorts that played with the hero/villain dynamic. Only, the roles were reversed, with Dr. Horrible showing things from another vantage point. Harris’ Dr. Horrible was truly a villain, but his evil intentions were mostly due to the desire to be noticed by the woman he loved, while Fillion’s Captain Hammer was a brash hero with hardly any other redeeming qualities. The love interest? Played by none other than the lovely, talented and benevolent overlady of Geek & Sundry, Felicia Day!

And it looks like Whedon would like all of that to continue, explaining to Vulture that, “All the things that we got a taste of, we definitely want to expand. We’re fascinated by what a hero is, what a villain is. That’s kind of central to what we’re talking about and dealing with and tearing apart and undermining. We want more of that, without falling into bloat.”

But there’s really no better way to catch you up than by showing you this:

Who wouldn’t want more of that, right!? While everything about the sequel is still in the very early stages, we know that there is still passion behind the project and won’t be done unless done correctly.

What are your hopes for the Dr. Horrible sequel? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Vulture
Image: Dr. Horrible

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