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Jordan Vogt-Roberts Might Don Cardboard Box to Direct METAL GEAR SOLID

“!” – Everyone and their mother when they remembered that not only was Sony making a live-action Metal Gear Solid film, but Deadline is reporting they’d found someone to direct, Kings of Summer helmer Jordan Vogt-Roberts.

The race to turn every stealth-based video game under the sun into a viable film franchise continues as Sony continues development on transforming Metal Gear Solid from nigh-incomprehensible game to nigh-incomprehensible feature film. (Seriously, there’s movie versions of The Last of Us, Assassin’s Creed, Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs, and Uncharted on the way). Reports are coming in that the studio is in early talks with Vogt-Roberts to come aboard and direct. Based on the now-classic 1998 game of the same name, the project is being produced by Avi Arad and is receiving guidance from production president Michael DeLuca, who are working in conjunction with game creator Hideo Kojima and his development team in order to ensure they do Solid Snake justice. After all, with so many clones, plot twists, and oddly named members of Foxhound skulking about, Metal Gear Solid doesn’t exactly lend itself to easy on-screen translation.

While we quite enjoyed The Kings of Summer here at Nerdist, I have to admit I was a little bit surprised to see Vogt-Roberts had been tapped by Sony to possibly direct the project. Talks are still early, so nothing is set in stone, but it is worth noting that Vogt-Roberts had some frenetic, video game-style action sprinkled among his comedic repertoire (e.g. Mash-Up, Death Valley). Here’s hoping that much like the Russo Brothers shocked and delighted with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Vogt-Roberts will be able to prove that he’s the Big Boss of big budget video game movies.

What do you think of a Jordan Vogt-Roberts-directed Metal Gear Solid? Who would you like to see play Solid Snake? Let us know in the comments below or tell me on Twitter.

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  1. Pomp-Nasty says:

    I just looked over Vogt-Roberts’ IMDB directing profile and I’m a little perplexed. His repertoire consists of light hearted comedies. Why Sony.

  2. Larry Viscarra says:

    Hayter should write the screenplay.

  3. Larry Viscarra says:

    Guy Mutha F’ckin Pearce

  4. Ryan says:

    I hope it retains the sense of humor of the original, watch a video of the psycho mantis fight, he’s not reading snake’s mind he’s reading the players mind!! and says the weirdist stuff ever. Psyched no matter what

    • Pomp-Nasty says:

      If it does have any humorous references, I hope they’re subtle at most. Like instead of actually showing Johnny crapping his pants, maybe some guards mention “the guy with i.b.s.” But please, no laughing portraits, like in the Twin Snakes version of the confrontation with Psycho Mantis. I felt like that just took away from the operatic, supernatural vibe. It was cheesy.

  5. I still think David Hayter would make a great Snake.