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Episode 3: Jonah Raydio
The Most Recent Episode

Jonah Raydio #3: The Most Recent Episode

Matt Dwyer visits Jonah Raydio to talk about Tom Waits, Farts (not a band name), and his awesome podcast Conversations with Matt Dwyer. Also, music by The Pop He Fakes, You Blew It!, and a song from Jonah’s band when he was 16. Jonah also sniffles a lot, as he’s sick in this episode.

Sponsored by BlueCollarDistro.

artwork by Kristin Nicholson@bandofgoldk

theme song by: Patrick McCormick
produced by Cash Hartzell
accompanied by: Neil Mahoney
Twitter: @JonahRaydio

Send in your Jonah Raydio theme songs or original music to JONAHRAYDIO {at} GMail



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  1. ablestmage says:

    You’re really starting to settle into the show it looks like, and it sounds like it’s moving a lot more smoothly now.. and that 16 y/o kid’s track was mindblowing =)

  2. Michael says:

    I saw GG Allin once in the early 90’s in Seattle. He took a dump on stage, wiped is ass with pages torn from a bible, and then set the entire mess on fire. We stood way in the back to avoid any flying messes.

  3. erik2690 says:

    Thanks for another fun episode. Loving it.

  4. Eric says:

    Not to be that guy, but the GG Allin lines are “I’m infected with AIDS, I fuck every day, I kill everything I fuck”……..damnit, I’m being that guy again.

  5. Curtis says:

    Trying not to laugh like an idiot at work when Jonah told his story about his bad drunken night was really, really hard.

  6. Patty Marvel says:

    Jay Ray! New episode! Sweet! Let’s see how many synonyms for “new show” you come up with over the following weeks.