Say what you will about American politics, but we haven’t yet reached the point where serious candidates share the stage with cosplayers. Although given the way that the 2016 Presidential election played out, we may not be able to say the same thing in 2020. During the recent general election in Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May observed the time honored tradition of appearing with almost all of the other candidates in her district who received votes, including an Elmo cosplayer and Lord Buckethead, a man who did quite well for himself. He received 249 votes, or .04% of the total votes cast.
249! A new Buckethead record! Something to celebrate, eh? #GeneralElection17
— Lord Buckethead (@LordBuckethead) June 9, 2017
Considering that calling for the early election was a terrible miscalculation on May’s part that cost her party seats in the House of Commons and leverage in the upcoming Brexit talks, HBO’s John Oliver had a unique solution on Last Week Tonight: send Lord Buckethead to negotiate the terms of Britain’s departure from the European Union.
According to Oliver, “surprise” is the only option that Britain currently has, since May has “no real leverage, no significant political mandate, and no coherent plan.” Now, it should be noted that Lord Buckethead is a political satirist, and he doesn’t really believe that he’s an intergalactic alien overlord (we think). And we are in favor of his platform to “nationalize Adele” and legalize “the hunting of fox hunters.” However, we need more information about Katie Hopkins before we can get behind his plans to send her to the Phantom Zone. But points for the Superman reference!
Oliver actually went the extra mile and flew Lord Buckethead out to make a cameo appearance on Last Week Tonight, which gave Lord Buckethead the chance to take this photograph.
I have not obliterated John Oliver with a laser. But I am in Earth City New York, I am on @LastWeekTonight, and I do like this glass desk…
— Lord Buckethead (@LordBuckethead) June 12, 2017
What do you think about John Oliver’s Brexit solution? Let us know in the comment section below!
Image: HBO