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John Cleese Announces His Arrival to YouTube as Only He Can

Rarely can one brief YouTube video bring us so much good news, but today we have found such a clip.

The first bit of good news is that John Cleese is still alive. We know this because–and this brings us to the next exciting announcement–he said as much this week in an introductory video to his brand new YouTube channel, one where he promises to release “seen, unseen, and ‘should never be seen’ material” for us to enjoy (and for him “to benefit from as much advertising revenue as possible”).

Wearing a John Cleese mask, the man “famous for complaining about parrots” said his channel will be full of him “ranting about the other Pythons, recounting tales of the good old days,” and, since this is the internet, after all, showing us pictures of cats.

The channel is new, but he has already uploaded a few videos, and you can watch a couple of them right here.

As huge, huge fans of Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, A Fish Called Wanda, and silliness in general, we are very grateful to have come across this news at What’s Trending, because we can all use more John Cleese in our lives, and a bunch of short videos directly from the man himself are the perfect way to get that.

Which brings us to the last bit of good news: as he pointed out, we now have a whole new way to waste time online. Besides just re-watching old Python sketches, that is.

What’s your favorite show, sketch, or movie from John Cleese? Tell us in the comments below.

Image: John Cleese

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