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Joel McHale and Jim Rash Say What We’re All Thinking In Their TRUE DETECTIVE Parody

As us normal folk sit back and ponder who will direct and star in the next season of HBO’s hit series, True Detective, Community’s Joel McHale and Jim Rash decided to take a more active approach to their love of everyone’s new favorite show with a spot-on parody of something we’ve all wondered: does anyone know what the heck those guys are actually saying?


“I’m just gonna guess that you cheated on me.”

As much as we all love McHale, you gotta give it up to Jim Rash, who is almost unrecognizable in his imitation of Woody Harrelson’s character, Marty. Spot on comedic character work all the way around in this one.


Are you excited for the season finale of True Detective this Sunday? Do you understand what they’re saying? (You sure?) Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. Mike says:

    I love it… Joel’s first on-camera line is an homage to a Steve Martin routine from (I think) ‘Wild and Crazy Guy’, where he tells parents to “talk wrong” whenever they’re around their kids… so by the time they get to school, they ask their teacher “May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?”

  2. Al S. says:

    Is it just me, or did that guy with the beard look like Peter Jackson?

  3. So, is this what you folks hear when Southerners talk? I have never had any trouble with True Detective.

    Then again, I have a pretty good sound system so that might fix the mumble-voices they talk with sometimes.

  4. CJeezy says:

    Pure brilliance

  5. Penny says:

    This should be titled: What Jim Rash looks like with hair.

    This was also very funny.