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JK, Sacha Baron Cohen Will Not Play Freddie Mercury After All

For several years now, there’s been talk of a Freddie Mercury biopic in the works. Sacha Baron Cohen originally announced as far back as 2010 that he would be portraying the legendary Queen frontman. However, in 2013 the project stalled and appeared to be dead in the water. Numerous directors such as Tom Hooper and David Fincher, along with several different writers, cycled through the project over the years. Cohen and the remaining members of the band reportedly were ultimately unable to come to an agreement on the film — struggling between a no holds barred R-rated version and a more family friendly PG-take on Mercury’s life.

Fans prematurely rejoiced yesterday, as it was thought the project had been confirmed to be back on again. At the Artist and Manager Awards held this past week, Queen’s long-time manager Jim Beach revealed the actor would be returning to write, direct, produce and star in the biopic. Since 2007, it was rumored Cohen was interested in playing Mercury.

Sadly, it appears we got our hopes up too soon. Queen’s guitarist Brian May issued a statement via his website saying Breach was merely joking about Cohen’s return. May writes: “[There was] a small joke that Jim threw in during his acceptance speech. He said that, in response to [inquiries] about the progress on the Freddie feature film, that Sacha Baron Cohen had been re-engaged to write, produce, and direct the film, as well as starring in all four major roles! I’m afraid some folks might have taken it seriously!” Womp womp, what a cruel early April Fool’s joke. 🙁 Let’s all just listen to Queen songs and rock out instead.

Will the Freddie Mercury biopic ever see the light of day? Let us know your thoughts (or favorite Queen songs!) in the comments below.

HT: Spin



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