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We’ve Been Pronouncing Voldemort’s Name Wrong All Along

We always though Bellatrix Lestrange was upset when Harry Potter used her Dark Lord’s name because he wasn’t worthy of it, but maybe it was really just because he was pronouncing Voldemort wrong. Apparently we’ve all been pronouncing it wrong, since J.K. Rowling said on Twitter that the “t” is silent.

Rowling responded to this tweet:

If you had frozen time and asked most Harry Potter fans to respond they would have overwhelmingly laughed. Um, we did get eight movies where they said his name many, many times. I think we all know how to say Volde-

Nothing in this universe makes sense anymore. It’s true, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named should actually be called “vole-deh-MORE,” not “vole-deh-MORT.” Apparently the U.S. narrator for the books, Jim Dale, pronounced the name correctly. This must be a very satisfying day for him, even if the rest of us are picking up the shards of our broken realities.

So what does it all mean? Well apparently in French “mort” means death and, oh hell, of course it means something perfectly appropriate. In fact, now that we think about it….MORTuary, MORTal/imMORTal, the depths of the meanings in these books meant for children always impresses.

J.K. Rowling seems intent on keeping her Harry Potter fans around the universe entertained through her Twitter account. Just this week she made this declaration:

Even without any new books, the story of The Boy Who Lived seems to keep finding ways to still move forward.  Now we fully expect (demand) a Harry Potter/Stephen Colbert parody called The Voldemort Report.

What unanswered questions do you hope J.K. Rowling answers? Tell us in the comments below and hopefully she’ll transfigure some answers. Like whether or not Dumbledore really is death incarnate:


Image: Warner Brothers

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