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David Tennant’s Kilgrave is Ruining People’s Lives Beyond JESSICA JONES

After the debut of the latest poster for the we-couldn’t-be-more-excited-for-it new series from Marvel and Netflix, Jessica Jones, all of us here at Nerdist immediately saw something special in the image of Kysten Ritter’s Jones being tormented by a whispering Kilgrave, otherwise known as perennial Doctor Who favorite, David Tennant.

Now, we’ve seen the first few episodes of Jessica Jones and can confirm that Tennant’s Kilgrave is one of the more unsettling and pitch-perfectly menacing baddies we’ve seen brought to life in the Marvel Universe. Which is what makes something as insignificant as him whispering into her ear—a recurring happening on the series that works on a very psychologically terrifying level—such a fun and silly thing to play into.

So we—in our delirious absurdity here at Nerdist HQ—decided to create a meme, ala #JohnBoyegaReacting—we’re calling #KilgraveSays. Because this mind-controlling son of a so-and-so can get anyone to do anything he wants with only a word. Imagine what those powers could do in different scenarios: what would he say? Well, we came up with a few options in the gallery below.

But, because we’re not afraid to be servicey, we’ve also included a .png of Whisper Tennant so that you, too, can get in on the fun. Because it’s Friday and like, why would you work when you could make sweet memes instead, right?

So, get to steppin’! Bonus points (POINTS!) if you tweet ’em at us with the hashtag #KilgraveSays. Who knows: maybe we’ll even retweet a few of our favorites.


Are you going to tune into Jessica Jones? Watch this interview with the series’ showrunner Melissa Rosenberg and let us know in the comments below!

Image Credit: Marvel/Netflix

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of The Nerdist. Find her whispering sweet nothings in David Tennant’s ear on Twitter (@alicialutes).


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