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Jessica Chobot Starts an ASSASSIN’S CREED SYNDICATE in London

For those of you at home playing along with the game of “Where in the World is Jessica Chobot?” you’ve probably noticed our intrepid Nerdist News host was gone for a few days there. But it was certainly for good reason! She was across the proverbial pond in London, England to be among the first to play Ubisoft’s newest old-world stealth-and-murder game, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, which takes the action to the home of Big Ben and the Tower of London, all of which are now available to parkour on, around, and over.

Jess tells us all about the game’s two main characters, a pair of brother-and-sister twins, one of whom is all about running and gunning while the other sticks to the shadows. How does the gameplay compare to other Assassin’s Creed games? Is it an improvement? And does it matter now that there’s a Fight Club feature?

Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate will be in stores on October 23rd.

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