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J.J. Abrams Finished STAR WARS: EPISODE IX’s Script, Starts Filming in July

J.J. Abrams didn’t put the final touches on The Force Awakens until just a few weeks before the film’s premiere, but if he ends up rushing to finish up Episode IX like a student who put off a term paper until the last second he’ll have only himself to blame, because he has already finished the movie’s script and filming begins this summer.

Abrams, who replaced Jurassic World‘s Colin Trevorrow as director on Episode IX this past September, joined friend and huge Star Wars fan Stephen Colbert on The Late Show this week. That’s where he revealed that the script, which he started writing from scratch after being brought back by Lucasfilm rather than using what they already had, is finished. According to him that’s a “big deal” because it’s not a luxury he often has when working on a movie.

Abrams co-wrote the film, which he said starts shooting at the end of July, with Chris Terrio (Argo, Batman v Superman, Justice League), who he called a “genius” he is “having a great time” working with. Episode IX, which based on the first two films in the sequel trilogy won’t have a title anytime soon, comes to theaters December 20th, 2019, which somehow feels both very far, far away, but also way too soon.

And yet despite having a script already, something tells us Abrams will still be tinkering with the movie right up until the last second. Not that anyone should be worried though, it wasn’t a problem with The Force Awakens.

Are you surprised he is already done with the script? Tell us why in the comments below.

Featured Image: CBS

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