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IZOMBIE: Liv Becomes a Hot Freaking Mess

IZOMBIE: Liv Becomes a Hot Freaking Mess

Warning: This recap contains spoilers, undead and otherwise, for the iZombie episode “Some Like It Hot Mess.” Go find some brains to eat if you haven’t watched yet.

We all know someone who seems to be constantly embroiled in drama. It can latch onto a person and follow him or her and the problems said drama causes have a ripple effect. Drama brings more drama. I’ve definitely been caught in those spirals before, and now Liv gets to live in the haze of a dramatic party girl in the latest iZombie, “Some Like It Hot Mess.”

Before we talk about Liv’s latest personality influences, we must discuss what happened to Major. He took the cure; as predicted, his memory faded until it was all but gone. The loss happened at a pace so rapid it was disturbing. Then, the tide changed. His memories returned. We didn’t know the cure was actually successful because Blaine lied about his memory loss. Dammit, Blaine.

I’m overjoyed about Major and the possibility of Liv being cured, but part of me realizes a show called iZombie likely can’t continue without zombies. So, I’ll put that on hold for now and focus on Blaine. I can’t believe he truly thought Peyton wouldn’t care about him lying to her about his memories. Dude. Have you met Peyton?


On the other hand, I think Blaine does genuinely care for Peyton and saw an opportunity to make a new life and start for himself. His previous existence was in large part guided by trying to impress his father, and now that he’s free of those shackles, he’s becoming the person he always wanted to be. However, the road to a fresh beginning shouldn’t start with a lie. It’s setting yourself up for failure. And now, Blaine’s in desperate mode, which isn’t a positive for anyone.

The Meal

Knowing you’re going to become infused with obnoxious personality traits you don’t want makes a serving of brains less appetizing, but Liv dressed up Yvonne’s cerebral matter as best as she could. She combined chunks of brain with noodles, sauteed vegetables, and hot sauce. The brain pieces look a lot like shrimp to me, so I just thought of it as a lovely seafood pasta. You could replicate it at home without worrying about taking on drama queen qualities.

One other food scene of note: once Major turned back into a human, he committed to eating some of his favorite snacks. He had an intense exchange with ice cream. Seriously, Major and the ice cream should have been left alone for their moment.



Yvonne’s roommate called her a hot mess. When you think of those two words, what traits come to your mind? I imagine a drama queen, someone who’s disorganized, scatterbrained and never seems to have it “together.” Usually it comes with the person literally being messy, too. Yvonne could put a check beside every item on that list, plus she was a party girl–her habits sort of exacerbated all those personality quirks. Everything came through in a strong, unpleasant way once Liv ate Yvonne’s brains.

Liv became an obnoxious flake. We saw Yvonne absolving herself of any responsibility for her mistakes and issues, and Liv followed suit. When she repeatedly spaced about picking up important items for Ravi, she blamed Clive for being needy about the case. Of course, it wasn’t Clive’s fault Liv was focused on only herself. Because geesh, Liv was incredibly selfish. Yvonne was in the same boat; she needed a break, she needed money, she needed more time to pay rent… she made everyone around her continually focus on her. By making others spend their time and energy on her, it made them easier to single out for her failures. She trapped herself and those around her in a cycle.


We saw Liv act impulsively and without consequences while she was in the club with Clive; she didn’t care that what she did could have landed Clive in trouble–Yvonne wouldn’t have cared either. Liv tried to manipulate her friends and was altogether a pain in the ass. Major going missing (after Liv flaked on babysitting him) seemed to snap Liv out of being affected by Yvonne’s brain. Thank goodness.

Oh, and Liv was right with her observation about Joe. Nice guys are the worst. If a dude self identifying as a nice guy, it’s a red flag.

What do you think will happen with the cure? Head to the comments and tell me your theories about what’s next.

Images: The CW

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