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It’s the Epcot of Cereal in This New BROAD CITY Web Series Clip!

Gather ’round, all ye starving people, because this is a clip that’s just for you! (Um…) It’s a brand spankin’ new BROAD CITY, BROAD-BROAD CITY, bitch (sing it like that “Rack City” song and oh man LOOK HOW COOL AND HIP WE ARE WITH IT we are, whatever “it” is). As in, the gals who arguably paved the way for making a successful web series-to-TV series transition, have created a new web series about their real series (that was formally a web series — keep up!) called Hack Into Broad City. And — wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles — the first episode is here! As in right now! As in what are you doing reading all of this when you could be clicking already, jeez?

It’s cereal eating competition time for [Nerdist podcast guests] Abbi and Ilana because what else would our two favorite stoners be doing other than going ’round the world, breakfast food style while they toke up over video chat. It is the American way after all, right? (Don’t answer that.)

Unfortunately for the clip though, it leaves us incredibly angry. Mostly because it reminded us at the end that we have to wait until January (JANUARY! As in… 2015! NEXT YEAR ugh life is so cruel) for new episodes of the real deal Comedy Central series. Also because it was just too damn short. We need more Abbi and Ilana. Like 24/7 all of the time. Please? Pretty please?

Also anyone else feel like just posting incessant Broad City GIFs in the comments with me? Let’s DO IT! Right MEOW!



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