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IT Movie’s Opening Scene Has a Real, Non-Scary Alternate Version

IT was one of the biggest box office hits of 2017, setting horror movie records and earning accolades from both critics and moviegoers. And it did that despite the fact a lot of people can’t bear to watch anything too scary, which was kind of a problem for a film that opens up with a clown in a sewer biting off a young boy’s arm before dragging him to his death. But if you were one of the people who never saw the rest of the movie because you couldn’t handle that first terrible moment, the movie’s creators actually made a real, non-terrifying version you will find more digestible than Georgie.

This alternate version of the opening scene, when Bill SkarsgÃ¥rd’s Pennywise lured young Jackson Robert Scott’s Georgie and his yellow raincoat to the gutter, looks exactly the same and isn’t any less creepy until Georgie reaches in to get his paper boat, which in the movie ended with him losing his arm.

Okay that was amazing and we now demand all filmmakers take time to include official, intentionally absurd deleted and alternate scenes. In fact, rather than worrying about making a part 2 for IT, we want the studio to go ahead and make an entirely comedic version of the first film where Pennywise keeps failing to actually torment the kids.

And think about how big the box office take would be for that. You’d get everyone who saw the movie, plus all the scaredy cats who couldn’t stomach Pennywise’s favorite dining options.

Did you find the movie too scary? Would you watch a non-scary version? We all float in the comments section, so come on down and share your thoughts with us.

Featured Image: New Line

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