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Is Taylor Swift Playing Dazzler in X-MEN: APOCALYPSE?

In just a few weeks, X-Men: Apocalypse is gonna swoop into theaters and bring Marvel’s mutant heroes into the ’80s. While the X-Men are skipping over the Disco era, we may be in for the ultimate comics and music crossover! That’s right, music superstar Taylor Swift is rumored to be making a cameo appearance as the Marvel Universe’s biggest music superstar, Dazzler! Today’s Nerdist News has the details!

This rumor started after actress Sophie Turner shared a picture of herself as Jean Grey with Tye Sheridan‘s Cyclops in a record store as they bond and pick up a Dazzler album that appears to be based on a classic Bill Sienkiewicz cover.

Note the 1989 reference? That was the name of one of Swift’s most recent albums. Now, the rumors are running wild that it’s Turner’s way of hinting that Swift may have filmed a cameo as Dazzler herself. Crazy, right? Well, yeah. But there is proof that Swift was on the set of the film last summer:

Dance with Nerdist News host and Disco goddess Jessica Chobot as she recaps the rumor, before going over the history of Marvel’s Alison Blaire, a.k.a. Dazzler. Then Jessica caps it off with the description for the Dazzler movie that almost happened in the ’80s. And we kid you not, it is the craziest thing that we’ve heard since someone told Kevin Smith to make Superman fight a giant spider!

It’s also the final day of Open Beta Week here at Nerdist, and today, live at 3pm PST, Jessica will be talking X-Men: Apocalypse and more of the latest news before unveiling the newest Best Worst Comment of the Week in the second episode of Nerdist News Live, coming to you here at Nerdist, Facebook, and YouTube! Then at 4PM PST, join editor-in-chief Rachel Heine, managing editor Alicia Lutes, and Tiffany Smith (Fandango, DC All Access) for Fangirling, a brand new live show featuring special guest Eliza Taylor (The 100)!

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