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Director Henry Selick recently settled a very important question about The Nightmare Before Christmas. Is it a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie? Selick says Halloween. This is loosely related to today’s Inked Wednesday because we have a super awesome Jack Skellington and Sally tattoo. The characters from Nightmare are in costume as Han Solo and Princess Leia. Seeing this creative mash-up makes me want to rewrite the entire Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack with a Star Wars twist. I’ll start working on that in all of my free time.

Meanwhile, please admire the Han Skellington and Sally-Leia ink below and visit the rest of the gallery to see a rad Kenner tattoo (as in the toy manufacturer), a neat Avengers assemble design, a gorgeous Hawkgirl, and more.

Han Skellington and Sally-Leia (Nightmare Before Christmas meets Star Wars) | Source: Alessandra Balsano, inked by Mike Bianco at AC Boardwalk Con

Have nerd-themed tattoos? Or are you a tattoo artist who has a portfolio of geeky tattoos? I want to see them! Leave links to pictures or galleries in the comments, tag me in comments or images on Instagram, or send photos to me on Twitter. I’ll save them to include in a future Inked Wednesday gallery.


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