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Inked Wednesday #18 – Hogwarts, SHERLOCK & More

It’s the last day of 2014. What a year it’s been. I hope you’ve had some highs mixed in with your lows, and that you have some shiny new goals and dreams to tackle next year. Whether you’re one of the lucky few who has New Year’s Eve off or you’re stuck in the office, take a few minutes to flip through this week’s Inked Wednesday gallery.

It’s the final one of the year, and I hope you enjoy looking at all the nerdy tattoos as much as I do. This week’s round-up includes a droid with a bad motivator, a Legend of Zelda design, and even a Zelda/Star Wars mash-up.


Han and Leia (Star Wars) | Source: Anna Withers, inked by Adam Oxley at Ink Expression

Happy New Year, everyone! If you kick 2015 off by getting new geeky ink, be sure to share pictures with me here or at Twitter.

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