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Nerdist Special Reports

Important Tips for Nerdist Laser Tag at SDCC with Joe Manganiello

You’ve got your San Diego Comic-Con badge. You’ve booked your flight. You’ve cleared your schedule from 11AM to 5PM on Thursday through Saturday so you can play Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel-themed laser tag with us, 2K, and Gearbox Software at San Diego’s PetCo Park. You’re good to go, right? WRONG! There may not be fall damage in Borderlands, but real life is a whole different story. Safety is, of course, of paramount concern for us, especially when we have 50 people firing lasers all willy-nilly in our custom Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel arena, breathing deep at our oxygen bar, and generally having their faces melted off by the unadulterated awesomeness going down on our live stage.

Thankfully, we found a tape that should explain everything you need to know about this year’s laser tag as explained by the man, the myth, the muscle, Max Tension (Joe Manganiello). So, before you take part in the the laser-fueled Pandorapalooza at this year’s Comic-Con, make sure you watch the video or Max will get angry. Trust us — you wouldn’t want to make Max angry.

What’s your best laser tag pro-tip? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. This Had me howling in laughter Awesome job and FUCK YOU KAREN!!!

  2. Concerned Citizen says:

    Um… am I the only one noticing all the illuminati references? So what are we supposed to think? The laser tag tournament is a big plot to observe our combat ability? Is that what Nerdist has become? A tool for the (not-so! even when you hide in play sight like its some kind of joke) secret societies to gauge us for either recruitment or extinction purposes? This is seriously messed up. This is why you will not see me at SDCC. I will stick to the smaller conventions like the Cincinnati Comic Con where, sure, I might not get to see big (armed) celebrities like Joe Manganiello, but I sure as hell know I can hawk copies of Spawn without being part of some evil society manipulation plot. And if this is some kind of joke, Nerdist, then shame on you. The degradation of humanity for the greed of the few is not something to joke about. I’m sure no matter what, this comment will get deleted because I am calling you out with the TRUTH. Stop the hypnosis of America’s youth! 

    • Erik says:

      Holy crap dude. Mom not making enough cookies for you down in the basement? Idiotic conspiracy references are the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen on here. Go crush a bottle of potassium supplements in the next warm milk mommy brings and save us from further idiocy. 

  3. nic says:

    All set!  Now all I need to do is get to San Diego!

  4. Josh says:

    Oh my god! Please make more stuff with Joe manganiello!

  5. Adam says:

    Also I really wanted this guy to play as Batman, fuck Ben =(

  6. Adam says:

    Too funny

  7. Rick says:

    This was awesome, but when will the trailer for Savage be made?

  8. kerrell says:

    That was awesome,Joe manganiello so funny. Jess,Malik,Dan you guys were great too.Best part though was Malik at the end.
    Hope I never meet that guy in real life. WHAT YOU SAY SUCKERBUTT!
    Cracks me up every time.

  9. Darth Pinche says:

    I am ready to get my SLTAB on Bro!!!!!!!!!!