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Nerdist Presents

Chatting with the Best (and Most Confusing) Cosplayers at SDCC 2018

We’ve already taken you through our personal favorite pieces of cosplay spotted at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. But when it comes to SDCC costumery, there’s simply no such thing as “too much.” As such, our very own Maude Garrett takes you back to the front lines of the Con through the inexplicable magic of time travel (or, you know, pre-recorded video) to speak with some of the most impressive cosplayers at large.

And while some individuals spotted were instantly recognizable as their respective characters, be they Marvel’s The Wasp or Game of Thrones‘ Night King, others were… less obvious. But as our loyal fans must know by now, confusion comes with the territory when we rope Onyx the Fortuitous into one of our videos.

Though we may walk away with absolutely no idea who or what Onyx was cosplaying as, we have to admire his devotion, creativity, and general zest for life. After all, San Diego Comic-Con isn’t a place you go to basque in by-the-book clarity and good, reasonable sense. It’s a place you go to be among people engaging with the weirdest—and, by definition, best—annals of their mind and personality. And if Onyx has showed us anything in this video, it’s that.

Of course, Onyx was only one individual whose cosplay through Maude for an understandable loop; as you can see in the video, one of the attendees she chatted with was in costume as an original character whose comic they were on hand to promote at the Con. Best of luck to this and all aspiring creators! And to everyone out there cosplaying just for the fun of it, keep at it!

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