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Iconic BREAKING BAD Items Heading to The Smithsonian

Scene—INT: The Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., 2045

“This is a wonderful place son. It houses some of our nation’s most iconic objects, a beautiful ode to who we are, what we’ve done, and the things we loved.”

“And what’s this thing over here, dad?”

“That? That’s the exhibit about a show we all were crazy about, the one about a mass-murdering drug dealer that ruins the lives of everyone he comes near.”

This beautiful moment could be yours someday, now that Sony has announced they will be donating some famous items from Breaking Bad to the Smithsonian. Walter White may have turned into a monster, but Breaking Bad became a cultural phenomenon, and subject matter aside, it earned its right to be remembered.

So what made the cut? Breaking Bad is nothing without Bryan Cranston‘s legendary character, so Mr. White’s pork pie hat will be heading over, along with some gas masks, chemical suits, and some cups from Los Pollos Hermanos.

Oh, and also a bag of his blue crystal meth. See, that future conversation doesn’t seem so absurd now, does it?

Although the items will become part of the museum’s permanent collection, they are not going to be displayed anytime soon. That extra time should help you come up with a way to justify why we all rooted for Walter White, even when he was really a horrible monster person.

What item from Breaking Bad would you want to see included in this donation? I am absolutely aghast that a bottle of Schraderbräu isn’t going on display. Tell us your nominee in the comments below.

HT: Vulture

Image: AMC

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