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For five years, American Horror Story has been one of the wildest shows on TV, giving us a new brand of crazy in every installment, but especially in season six’s mysterious My Roanoke Nightmare. But that’s not all it’s bringing: For sharp-eyed AHS fans, the parallels between My Roanoke Nightmare and the first season’s Murder House are already abundant–and today’s Nerdist News has the details!

As explained by Nerdist News host and former Ghost Whisperer, Jessica Chobot, the first season of American Horror Story actually set the stage for My Roanoke Nightmare during a scene in which Sarah Paulson‘s medium, Billie Dean Howard, recounted an exorcism in the 16th century that quelled the spirits of the settlers at Roanoke. Perhaps that’s something that will actually be depicted later this season?

We also can’t help but notice that the lead couple of My Roanoke Nightmare, Shelby and Matt Miller, moved cross-country to start over after suffering a miscarriage—just like Vivien and Ben Harmon did in Murder House. Both couples ended up living in haunted houses, although things presumably worked out for the Millers if they’re alive for the retelling of their own story. But this is AHS, so we can’t assume that there isn’t some kind of fake-out down the line.

The second episode of the new season also introduced a disturbing figure in a pig mask, which is not the first pig-man in the series. That’s right, it’s another callback to the first season! And there might be more than one pig-man this time.

What do you think about the parallels between Murder House and My Roanoke Nightmare? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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