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Honest Trailers: BATMAN (1989) v SUPERMAN (1978)

Get ready for the greatest Honest Trailer competition of all-time: Michael Keaton‘s Batman versus Christopher Reeve‘s Superman.

That’s right, the Screen Junkies are getting ready for the big Caped Crusader/Man of Steel showdown opening this weekend, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, with two new Honest Trailers, pitting Tim Burton‘s 1989 Batman against Richard Donner‘s 1978 Superman.

Depending on which trailer gets more views they’ll do an Honest Trailer for either Christopher Nolan‘s Batman Begins or Bryan Singer‘s Superman Returns.

The Batman trailer is up above, and proving how awesome the movie is (and how much it “saved” Batman from the Adam West version) they went pretty easy on it, though they do point out that Jack Nicholson‘s Joker is good, but so are lots of other Jokers (Joki?). They are definitely right that if the movie were announced today, with Keaton as Batman and the changes to the origin story, the internet would lose their minds.

Oh, and good luck ever watching the movie without noticing how many times Vicki Vale screams. Is that her only dialogue?

As for Superman:

Well that wasn’t as kind as the Batman honest trailer, but much nicer than most of these. Did you remember Lois Lane being that forthright with her flirting, because I didn’t. Oh, and that ending always bothered me too. If you have that time traveling ability Superman, maybe use it for even more good?

Not one fight scene probably was a mistake, even if the movie wanted to be fun. What’s more fun than Superman punching someone? Certainly not corny sight gags.

Either way, the superhero battle is in your hands now. So which one are you going to view more times? Which observation/joke was your favorite in each trailer? Tell us your honest opinions right here in the comments.

Image: Warner Brothers

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