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Home Geekonomics: Overwatch Is Almost Here!

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food, and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.

home geekonomics
The long-awaited game Overwatch just finished it’s open beta and with the launch just two weeks away, fans are more than hyped. This latest entry from Blizzard already has it’s fair share of cosplay, art, food, and more, so we rounded up our favorite Overwatch tributes to get you ready for the big release on May 24!

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McCree’s BAMF belt buckle by Henchman Props

The game hasn’t even been released and fans already have their favorite characters, therefore cosplay is imminent! With the help this golden hued belt buckle you can become your very own version of Jesse McCree.

Cat Overwatch fan by Mattias Segers

People say Bastion is too OP but how can you deny the adorableness of him and his pal Ganymede? That bird is so real even this cat is enamored!

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Overwatch Cookies By Eat Game Live

This recipe uses protein bars to make sure you’re in tip top shape for hours and hours…and hours and hours of gaming.

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Mercy print by Cyriloo

This beautiful Mercy print makes me wish I had a real-life Caduceus Staff with me in times of trouble.

Overwatch shirts by Jinx via Michelle Morrow

Jinx has a good selection of official Overwatch shirts, ensuring that you’ll be dressed and ready for battles, I mean gaming.

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air
