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Home Geekonomics: GRAVITY FALLS

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.

home geekonomics

Finally, the twins and the gang of Gravity Falls have returned to TV! Mabel, Dipper, Grunkle Stan and Soos are back with more mysterious adventures on Disney XD.

Gravity Falls has a devoted fan base that love to cosplay and quote their favorite show characters. Here are some fun home goods dedicated to the folks of the Mystery Shack.

dipper phone case

Dipper phone case by Chris Haley
Chris Haley’s art is appealing, informative and fun. Haley’s work is regularly featured on Comics Alliance and he also used to host a Gravity Falls podcast, so you know he has many Mystery Shack theories. This Dipper portrait fits perfectly on a phone case so that you can instantly connect with all the other Fallers.

gravity falls journal pendants-07132015

Gravity Falls journal pendants by PumpkinQuartz
Tiny little Gravity Falls journals that you can wear around your neck to keep the town’s secrets close.

abbe mabel pines sweater - 07202015

DIY Mabel sweater by Abbe’s Crafts
Abbe of Abbe’s Crafts has a quick and easy DIY for making Mabel’s signature sweater. The best part of Abbe’s videos is that they’re quick and to the point, only a few minutes long. Enough to get the point across in a positive way and inspire, just like Mabel!

Gravity Falls Dipper Hat Cake Pops

Dipper Hat cake pops by Nerdache Cakes
Another great DIY youtuber, Ant of Nerdache Cakes, makes videos that are quick, visual and informative. Her Dipper hat cake pops are adorable and she has a way of making cake poppin’ look easy. Also props for her killer manicure.

waddles plush-07132015

Plush Waddles by NiteOwlWorkshop
Much lighter than 15 pounds, this handmade piggie is sweet and cuddly. Forgive him, his pig arms are cute and useless.

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)


