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Holiday Gift Guide 2016: The Comic Book Lover

Holiday Gift Guide 2016: The Comic Book Lover

It’s the best time of the year! Time to deck the halls, jingle some bells, and have yourself a happy holiday or two. It’s the time of year when we gather around our loved ones and give them a gift to show them just how much they mean to us. Or, even better, you buy yourself a little something for surviving this dumpster fire of a year. Either way, if you’re looking for a gift for a comic book lover, we thought we’d make your life a little easier and assemble a list of some of this year’s best items.

Now, comic book fans are a notoriously difficult bunch to shop for. The collector mentality that is wired into most of them means that they often buy everything that even slightly interests them the second it hits the shelf. It’s the reason I own like six different versions of DC: The New Frontier. We’re a compulsive bunch. That said, there are some gems out there that will brighten the holidays of any comic collector. the causal and the obsessive.

So, before you stuff that stocking, take a look at our Holiday Gift Guide for the Comic Book Lover below! It’s filled with all sorts of goodies and is sure to bring joy to all. Also, a sneaky little elf told me that we might even be giving some of these bad boys away to a lucky Nerdist fan, so keep your eyes peeled. You know how elves are, always being sneaky and hiding stuff on shelves and stealing your favorite pair of pants after you drink too much eggnog at your brother-in-law’s house.

In short, elves are dicks, but they know about all the upcoming giveaways, so pay attention. Happy Holidays, everybody!

And catch up with our other gift guides, for the Movie Lover, the Science Lover, and the TV Lover!

Images: DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Oni Press, Dark Horse, Image


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