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Here’s Felicia Day In Episode 1 Of “Dragon Age: Redemption”

The first episode of the webseries Dragon Age: Redemption, featuring none other than Felicia Day as Tallis, has arrived, and, oh, look, it’s right here:

“Watch who you call ‘Knife Ears.'” Words to live by.

Bookmark Machinima’s YouTube channel to catch the whole series as it unfolds. And our pals at GeekChicDaily note that there’s a Dragon Age II DLC for XBox Live, “Mark of the Assassin,” also featuring Felicia/Tallis.

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

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The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

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  1. Jenn Zuko says:

    Dangit I wish I were helping out with these fights–they look like so much D&D fun!!

  2. -Di. says:

    I am looking forward to future episodes. I think the pacing and length were perfect. It was very nice seeing Felicia Day being a bit of a bad ass.


  3. PatrickA says:

    I never was able to really get into the first Dragon Age game, but watching this video made me want to give it another try.

  4. Bobby G says:

    I was expecting something that had Doug Jones in it to be……better. I only cringed a couple of times.

  5. JimC says:

    I can imagine watching this series will be a much more fun experience than playing DA2.


  6. barry cohen says:

    My wife and I will be spending our 10th anniversary with you and the gang in Washington DC at the 930 Club. Any chance for a mention while you’re on stage? If it’ll help the matter, I’ll show you my Yoda and Darth Vader tattoos.

  7. benodiktine says:

    I’ve never played the game but I still really enjoyed the first episode of the web-series. I’ll be tuning in weekly.

  8. Zenjack says:

    I personally thought it was great. One has to understand that this is a web series that doesn’t have a massive budget. I for one am hooked. I also am downloading the DLC for DA2 as I write this.

  9. Kamryn says:

    I loved playing DA Origins, Awakening, and to a (much) lesser degree DA 2, but this is just embarrassing. And I like Felicia.

  10. Bill says:

    This looks like it’s going to be a fantastic series. Loved it!

    You know, Felicia is in town for NYCC this week – it would be *amazing* if Chris could bring her on the first show on Friday (although I know she’s been on before and that her schedule must be insanely packed).