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HELL’S CLUB is the Ultimate Movie Mashup Nightclub

You hear it all the time these days–we live in a “mashup” culture, where most of the pop entertainment we consume, especially the kind we consume on the internet, is a hybrid of one song with another, or one movie mixed with another movie, or TV show, or book, and so one and so forth.

There are books like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, for example, and on the music side of things, there are nightclubs dedicated to nothing but playing mashups of one hit pop song with another. And on YouTube, the mashup thrives more than anywhere else, giving us things like Reservoir Dogs meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the original Star Trek meets Nine Inch Nail’s video for ‘Closer’.

But all of those videos might have possibly just been outdone by one Antonio Maria Da Silva, who has uploaded his new short film Hell’s Club on YouTube, and it’s maybe the ultimate movie mashup yet. Ostensibly set in the nightclub from the planet Coruscant from Star Wars: Episode II, the club now features characters from dozens of different movies getting their groove on to the Bee Gees’ ‘Stayin Alive’.

The entire short film is a genius example of both editing and compositing, and is also a bit of criticism on how in so many Hollywood films with a nightclub scene in it, every one of them is seemingly shot and lit the same, whether it’s on another planet in a galaxy far, far away, or one set firmly in the Disco ’70s.

So just who’s partyin’ at Hell’s Clib? We’ve got Anakin and Obi-Wan of course, but also Tom Cruise, as both his character from the movie Cocktail and the movie Collateral (Tom seems a bit freaked out upon seeing his double, I must say.)  He’s not the only actor appearing in Club Hell as two different characters” John Travolta appears as both his Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction roles. And then there’s Pinhead from Hellraiser, Arnie as the Terminator, Robocop…the list goes on and on. Wait till the end, and you might even get a cameo from someone in a much anticipated movie that’s not even out yet.

Can you name all the dozens of movies and characters used in Hell’s Club? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Antonio Maria Da Silva via I09

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