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Hello, Electro: A Teaser For “Amazing Spider-Man 2” at Sony’s Comic-Con Panel

Yes, that’s Sony’s teaser trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, or, more precisely, the teaser trailer for Friday’s Comic-Con panel at which the movie will be discussed. And, yes, that’s a glimpse of Jamie Foxx as Electro. Blink and you’ll miss him, so DON’T BLINK.

There’ll be more about it at the Sony panel on Friday at 4 pm in Hall H, so get in the queue now.

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  1. michaelalexkawa says:

    No sir ,I don’t like it .

  2. Chimpinalls says:

    The way he said “I’m Electro” brought to mind “I’m Old Gregg”.
    Maybe Electro drinks Baileys.

  3. T_ says:

    I was not impressed with Electro…he looks more “Smurf-like” and this really worries me for the next Amazing Spider-man film.

    This and the new costume (I prefer the one from the first film) it looks like a Toby McGuire hand-me-down.

    And don’t get me started on the “Rhino.” This film is looking worrisome…

  4. Kristoffer says:

    i blinked. wait there he is.

    He looks SPICY