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Heads Up: The Wii U Gamecube Controller Adapter Exclusively for SUPER SMASH BROS.

After the news of the Super Smash Bros. release date hit the web yesterday, many folks went ahead and added the Wii U Gamecube controller adapter to their budget. Surely many will be purchasing the peripheral specifically for Nintendo‘s brawler, but folks might one to keep one thing in mind before investing in this accessory: it is only compatible with Super Smash Bros.

Rumors yesterday suggested otherwise, giving the impression that the device would be compatible with a slew of Wii and Wii U games. But Nintendo has since made the following statement to Eurogamer, completely shutting down such claims:

“The GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U is compatible with Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U specifically – it is not compatible with any other Wii U software.”

Gamers across social media were rather peeved by Nintendo’s release date announcement of Super Smash Bros. on the Wii U yesterday. Many felt that this was a marketing ploy to trick people into buying the 3DS version of the game first, since the Wii U version was suspected to be months away from making it to stores. Whether or not you find this irritating, you have to admit that owning both versions is probably in the cards for most of us.

[HT: Eurogamer]

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  1. Didn’t say the adapter wouldn’t work with GCN-VC and Wii discs.

  2. Gonna need to get one of those before I get my Wii U.

  3. jm5150 says:

    hopefully someone will program it for homebrew

  4. I’m pretty sure with enough popularity, Nintendo will listen to the fans and add support to other titles for the gamecube controller